
Egyptian GOD Thoth
'the brains behind Ancient Egypt' who made even the most popular Goddess ISIS
look #ESN educationally sub normal as he spoke. Later Avatars include HERMES TRISMEGISTIS
and is the Man who created the original Illuminati blueprint and created
Christianity and made AMUN-RA the monotheistic GOD YHVH YEHOVAH ELOHIM his fave
Goddess was the most beautiful of them all HATHOR-SEKHMET

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My handle on this
'program' is threefold <3:xD 1) AMI separated? This seems that I maybe for
my TF has gone silent with no clues or any msgs like what I once received which
is good as IAM a very complex GOD and my TF has no experience of a GOD only hopeless
demon infested weirdos so she has no comparison. From my view she can't be
separated really if she goes way back in time with me but with regards 'BEING
THERE' in terms of us in a 'relationship' how do I know if I AM honest I
believe that our daughter does not really have a full view of Katy but does of
me so when she says something to put me off her Mother it is said with the
purpose of putting me off her Mom so that I remain 100% hers but then the
Mother/Daughter parallel is so strong perhaps if I just 'bring the beat back'
to May 2018 after 4 years of confused.com where I had to be a real namaste
piece of work Vs my TF's 'devil' but still letting my TF know that it is the
devil with the same name I am fighting in a spiritual battle because when I was
in 'public' I defended my TF without a moment of hesitation (e.g. I told my
care co-ordinator Dhanese Luchmann CPN at South West Kent Adult Mental Health
services all along that a #KATYPERRY was a namaste demon but I and #MYTF
Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson Katy Perry 3 #MOM was completely innocent in the well
documented Katy Perry scandal and I repeated the same to the Kent Police Force
Officer at Royal Tunbridge Wells police station during an afternoon of insight
into my story the story being believed that my 'Katycat Hudson 3' was an
innocent victim in the whole Music Industrial complex of MK Ultra mind control
and HAD in fact been instrumental in helping me in my inquiries and opening
doors and portals to get at as near to the truth as I could and for allowing me
to use her 'name' and 'public personna' to open up many #vlogs #blogs and
Internet Watch operations as I possibly could as without her fame and fortune
my job as katyperryspsychicpi would have been blocked as her BF's and family in
the Muso Biz also joined forces with me because of her Katycat Hudson’s nod.
Between the devil and the deep blue sea she must then have known that once I
was under the recorded CCTV camera and microphone at the RTW police interview
room for the afternoon there was no way I could lie or suddenly change my story
if continuity was to be maintained. In fact on my return to my office where
Katycat and I had our open 24/7 internet portal she already knew I was a pro
Katycat Hudson fan and that I more than any other 'fan club member' knew her
story so well that as a 'witness' I would be already there with the Kent police
as the Police Officer believed everything I said to him and of course if he
believed it then my path towards breaking my TF free from the shackles of her
imprisonment within the muso industry is a #donedeal but to keep the 'devil the
ancestral demon' always at a weak point she got wrapped up in my 150% vehemence
in the 'face of the battle' maybe she might of thought that it was her I was
after not the 'demon' but certainly as the Revelation of the Apocalypse is
affecting so many that I~~ too must be true to my TF and here ~i set the record
that never changed straight my Katy will be kept at a safe distance to my
eventual prosecution witness status Vs the Killuminati and the Freemasons of
the CIA entertainment division when I begin again where I left off before my
unfortunate poisoning by #BigPharma and hospitalization and live saving
operation which meant all my work was put on hold. So whoever she is these days
on social media she can enjoy the show of me chasing down Katy Perry's calling
them brain-dead Bimbos knowing she can actually laugh out loud at my #madness
because for her it is not true only she and I know that her demon reads my mind
and my posts and blogs for I shall persist in telling the authorities of her
innocence in a very complex web of illusion, witchcraft, mind controlling
nightmare as the same goes for her family and mine who as I know my TF's
problem then they are in the same boat i.e. they are suffering from MK Ultra
beta programming and their names and images are used as a 'front' for a CIA,
freemason, Elite. Killuminati agenda and that they are victims as much as the
general public and when I press the button on calling the whole game #ENDGAME
they and my TF will be exonerated and treated with help and compassion by the
UK/USA joint police force enquiry into the shenanigans that has now thankfully
been revealed in the Apocalypse of Jesus Christ the saviour perhaps this time
to become of the Hollywood stars as I was brave enough to go to the police to
relate the true story as it was then as now knowing that the dark forces knew I
had gone as well. The good name of freemasonry here in the UK is jeopardized by
the few chapters in the USA who have not been deceived by Satan and Lucifer as
they claim as the mouthpieces of their agenda the 'pop puppets' relate in their
broadcasts but they have been buggered by the powers promised by Albert Pike,
Alaistair Crowley and Anton Lavey if the dark forces were summoned by witchcraft
and other horrendous methods such as the ritualistic abuse of children, babies,
clones and the 'stars' themselves but in my family it is all for one and one
for all and IAM Jesus Apollo Horus who is going to blow the entertainment
industry up very soon when divine timing is right as JAH Rules and not the CIA,
LAPD, Shadow US Government, Freemasons and the Killuminati who for so long have
been getting away with murder and everything because of their Elite status and
the 'brotherhoods' involvement in all aspects of the Killuminati Pyramid and
the cover ups has allowed the stupid elite members to cloak themselves with a
clearly visible cloak/mask of invincibility by maintaining themselves as
'secret societies' and the placement of the members of the brotherhood at all
levels in law enforcement and authority that meant they misguidedly thought
they could come out into the open with their dick dastardly deeds as they had
got away with it for so long and assassinating anyone who stood up against them
and they enjoyed a brief moment in time where they got added power by being in
full view of a mind controlled public who were so dumbed down they never knew
wtf was going on around them that they were being totally controlled by a dark
force of sinister methods coming at them from every angle like a tsunami or as
a Matrix of Illusion and the Elite unbelievably thought that the grip they had
engineered upon the people was so strong that they the Satanic Devil worshiping
cannibals and child abusers could 'come out of the woods' and have their mind
boggling atrocities accepted by the sheeple. Having said that there are many
tests to finding Godot and the hard one for her is to give up my money the
Billions of Pounds she owes me therefore I ride up front with Taylor and


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